New Publication in IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification

New Publication in IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification


11 May 2015 | Haris M. Khalid

We have our first published paper in the field of Battery Management System (BMS). The title is “Health Monitoring of Li-ion Battery Systems: A Median Expectation-based Diagnosis Approach (MEDA).” Congratulation to Dr. Haris Khalid and Dr. Qadeer Ahmed for contirbuting to this innovative work. This also marks the collaborative effortive between PSRL and Center for Automotive Research at Ohio State University. Below is the paper abstract, and early access is avaliable at IEEE Xplorer.

Abstract: The operations of Li-ion Battery Management System (BMS) are highly dependent on installed sensors. Malfunctions in sensors could lead to a deterioration in battery performance. This paper proposed an effective health monitoring scheme using a median expectation-based diagnosis approach (MEDA). MEDA calculates the median of a possible set of values, rather than taking their weighted average as in the case of a standard expected mean operator. Furthermore, a smoother was developed to capture important patterns in the estimation. The resulting filter was first derived using a one-dimensional system example, where the iterative convergence of median-based proposed filter was proved. Performance evaluations were subsequently conducted by analyzing real-time measurements collected from Li-ion battery cells used in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) and Plug-in HEVs (PHEV) duty cycles. Results showed the proposed filter was more effective and less sensitive to small sample size and curves with outliers.

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